Department of International Partnerships, Projects & Investments

Christopher Coles, Vice President International Partnerships, Projects & Investments (IPPI) Mongolian National University, 2020

Our services


  • International Strategic Partnerships – maintaining existing partnerships and developing new partnerships.
  • Collaborative Agreements – developing and maintaining Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), Articulations and Progression Agreements, and providing guidance and advice, training to Faculties across the University.
  • Exchange agreements – maintaining existing agreements and developing new areas and markets.

International Partners Team | International Partnerships Department - for our various global markets and regions)

- We encourage our clients to in shared mutual interest areas and development. We believe there are always new ways to innovate, train and expand our ventures whether they be local or far beyond.

Smart Contracts -  International Partnerships Department (IPD) negotiates various agreements and contracts with partners around the world for the university. Our view is there is always a way to find a "Win - Win between your community and ours. Our philosophy: 'We invest, grow and learn from one another in big vision, real practice ways'

Strategic and Geographical Developments - The International Partnerships Department (IPD) holds meetings with our partners who come from various countries to visit Mongolian National University. We then evaluate, formulate, and initiate fresh steps and creative pathways ahead

International Competitions - The International Partnerships Department (IPD) organizes international conferences such as sports events, bringing experts and specialist trainers from around the world to invest in our students and staff. For Mongolian National University, we aim to keep in shape with mind - yet also in body and spirit - holistically

Training Seminars for Tomorrow's Leaders - The International Partnerships Department (IPD) holds conferences, seminars and training workshops providing and equipping various communities of youth in different regions and countries to be tomorrows leaders - today

Career Strong Internships - The International Partnerships Department (IPD) also helps organize 'special internships' for students from our different schools, programs and faculties. This is in order to prepare them for reaching stronger career options and goals. For you the director, our graduates are 'the Winning Force' for you to construct with fresh energy and imagination for the years ahead

Youth Leaders. This is 'Solongo'. Meaning 'Rainbow' in Mongolian. Solongo is Mongolian National University's Student Association President as well as being a 4th - Year student in our School of Medicine

What Next?

Maybe you are looking to design a career direction for yourself?

With MNU you get to chose from growth areas in Medicine, Law, Aviation, Nursing, Dentistry, IT & Design, Construction Engineering, Education, Mining & Engineering, International Relations and many other fields. Prepared people is MNU's goal and aim. We also have scholarships and give advice to our students to map their way forward.

The International Partnerships Department (IPD) has relationships with a wide array of global partners and programs for students to study overseas, beyond their initial national education, to explore and grow in specialties and programs of their particular choice and direction.

Christopher Coles

Vice President, Department of International Partnerships Department (IPD)
Mongolian National University

* The International Partnerships Department (IPD) promotes solid corporate vision to reach new educational and professional horizons for our people here at the university and in the larger world far beyond.

Mongolian National University is - 'Making Future Leaders - Right Now!'