Towards Mongolia's First University Hospital

Mongolian National University (MNU) is involved in a fascinating phase - by - phase project with our stakeholders towards the completion of Mongolia's FIRST university hospital.

Phase II Process going on inside: 

This new hospital will begin with introduction of new, modern learning areas and facilities for patient treatment, a school of medicine, nursing, dentistry, holistic medicine and more:

- operating room

- treatment areas

- patient bed areas

- research laboratories

- classrooms

- lecture halls

- learning labs

- special equipment

(updates coming!)

Mongolian National University's School of Medicine at our International Campus trains you right now in these interesting and particular areas:

School of Medicine - ACTIVE AND ENROLLING STUDENTS for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021

Nursing Program - ACTIVE AND ENROLLING STUDENTS for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021

Dental Program - ACTIVE AND ENROLLING STUDENTS for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021

Holistic Medicine Program - ACTIVE AND ENROLLING STUDENTS for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021

Program Enrollment Information:

Contact Phone: 7511-2000 , 9339-9999

For more information on (Phase II) of our International Campus please contact the International Partnership Department at:

Christopher Coles

Director of International Partnerships

Mongolian National University

MNU #1

Bayangol District

Khoroo #11

Office Phone: + (976) 9972 3120
